en route a' la maison, yesterday, jackie reminded me that i have a solo gig at the Astoria in Luzern tonight! i had completely forgotten, and was thinking/hoping i had the week off, after going through jet lag [which i am obviously not over!] for a week in high altitude and thin air! oh well, time to call on the inner spirit, which never fails me.
we had some coffee- then later, vegan pasta and salad, watched some of "cold mountain" [which seemed apropos] and i said, 'i have GOT to go to bed- i am exhausted'- so hit the sack before midnight... BUT... then woke, wide awake, at 4:30AM... couldn't go back to sleep... so, decided to just get up.
so i dug through my stash of cameras in my room- and found i'd left a ton of great ones here- especially some of my beloveds: a cosina; a kowa; and a few russian leica copies, and medium format agfas. thank god, i didnt bring all [from home] that i had planned to: i brought the Nikon, some digitals, polaroid sx70, a few video cameras and toy cameras. but, way too many considering i have these here, and KNOW i will acquire more, while here. guess i'll just leave a complete 'copy' set here, and most of my clothes [which are getting too big anyway] so i can haul some treasures home.
i also pulled out "les liaisons dangereuses" from my book case to read over the next few days; set up my laptop and wrote a few emails home; smoked [god, what luxury- after 7 days in non smoking zermatt!] and finally went upstairs and had a peanut butter and zopf sandwich and came back and began blogging.
it's 7.30AM and i am NOT sleepy. i don't know what will transpire. i just went upstairs and made a double espresso with soy milk... and am having another smoke... [which does not make sense if i plan to TRY and sleep]... am going to turn on Arte [the german/french Art channel] without sound a try to zone out...
one more gig, then a week off to start working on some collages, some photos, editing a lot of my old writers tapes [some of which i transferred to a 1.5TB external hard drive before i came] and possibly begin recording some solo stuff with my beautiful old hand made piano from 1880! now.... to TRY and sleep.... too much stuff in my head...
[c] 2008 doug duffey