off the train from zermatt- and lighting up! sebi and rootie going on to Baden- me to Biel- but they hung around to help me get all my [too much] merde onto my train before catching theirs, god bless 'em!
this blog is where i post fotos and tales from travels. although i travel all the time [and have for most of my life] i haven't been blogging about it until now. i've been keeping journals/diaries since the early 70s- and usually write in my journal daily, but haven't been blogging about things unless they were music/business related. so... i decided to share some travel snaps & stories with family and friends via this blog.
i am always snapping like crazy with my little casio digital, which is smaller than a pack of Camels. i can/do take it anywhere; then dump the fotos to the laptop and onto the web. so almost all fotos in this travel blog are from the casio.
i almost always have some kind of camera with me: either the tiny digital one, or plastic 'toy' ones [both are easy to carry] - i don't usually haul out the big guns unless i can deal with them. i'm totally into film, for various reasons, but normally wait and have it processed [i process b&w myself] when i get home; scan the negatives [or have them scanned] then post the images. but, thats not easy to do when traveling.
for this travel blog, i'll be blogging from wherever i, the digital camera, my laptop and internet connection are.
ALL my fotos in all my blogs are MY property- and are copyright protected under international copyright law.
professional singer, songwriter, musician [piano/keyboards], band leader, music producer, recording artist, music publisher, photographer, visual artist, collage-ist, experimental filmmaker, writer, poet, diarist, & web designer.
i'm a european american, eastern orthodox Christian, and citizen of the omniverse.
having worked between louisiana & europe for the past 25 years. i'm definitely a 'european american' more than just by blood.
[click on my pic to find more blogs]