Saturday, June 21, 2008

Moscow 1991 & 1992

i was invited to play for the US Embassy two different times- 1991 & 1992 for 4th of july celebrations. they flew the band and all our equipment from new orleans [thank you, delta!] we played at the ambassador's residence and at his dacha. we also got to go out and jam/play a few places- which was interesting. luckily we have some video from it all.

the band: doug duffey-keys/vocal; lee scott thomas-guitar; chuck davis- drums/vocals; jimmy messa- bass/vocals

i shot quite a bit of film- mostly color- but unfortunately, i opened my camera exposing a whole roll of b&w film![maybe the only roll of b&w i shot!] in the airport as i was leaving.

it was a real trip going there; the first time was when it was still communist and the 2nd time was after perestroika. i said at the time it was like "the wild wild west on acid on another planet" and it was!

[c] 2008 doug duffey