i came over here [switzerland] dec. 8 and worked up until the 1st of march. jackie and i went to the US march 5-31 -during which time we & my mama went to memphis for friends wedding-20-22- then flew back to switzerland, arriving on april 1st.
we had band rehearsals the 2nd; the 3rd i spent all day/night burning cds/printing labels etc [because i couldnt get the cds done professionally in the states before i left]- i needed them for the festival in denmark. i didnt sleep all night [jet lag] so stayed awake, packed, we drove to the airport [on the 4th] in zurich, flew to copenhagen, then to aarhus. then the bus met us and took us to the festival site, we dressed, did sound check, played, did an interview, partied a bit, slept a bit at the hotel. got up at 4AM and the bus drove us to the airport in aarhus, we flew back to copehnagen, then zurich then we drove 1.5 hours back to Lengnau. so... i have had jet lag all week.
the gig festival show was great. we had a great time. unfortunately we only had an hour, so didnt get to do some of the songs on the list! had to leave out about 4, plus some encores i'd planned. but everything went smoothly- the organization and the crew were great- as were the audience. i definitely want to go back and play Denmark again- well, as for that- i want to play EVERYWHERE!
i've posted a quite a few fotos on facebook- but not here. so am adding some from this trip back...
they are in reverse order:
flying into copenhagen 4.4.2009
to see more fotos and videos of the band and the show in denmark - check my youtube and facebook site.
[c] 2009 doug duffey